Ethical Standards

HKSRA works to maintain and improve standards in robotics and automation technology. As one of its major activities, HKSRA organizes conferences in which the ethical standards are consistently enforced. To maintain its quality, HKSRA Technical Program will work closely for reviewing and selecting conference papers.

Authors Standards

1. Papers submitted to the conference must not be previously published or accepted for publication elsewhere. Duplicate publication or parallel submission are not permitted.

2. Authors should ensure their work submitted to the conference is entirely original. If the work / words from other resources were used, they must be well cited or quoted.

3. All authors should state their contributions to the research. All listed authors should be those who made a substantial contribution to the research.

4. Individuals who do not meet authorship criteria but contributed to the reported research should be acknowledged with their approval.

5. Authors should not include inappropriate citations or self-citations in the manuscript.

6. Fabrication and falsification of data included in the research are intolerable and will lead to immediate rejection.

7. All authors should respect the confidentiality of peer review.

8. All authors should disclose any financial and personal relationships with other people or organizations that could be perceived to undermine the objectivity of their study. 

9. As the raw data may be asked during for editorial review, authors are accountable for providing public access to the requested data in connection with their work.

10. If fundamental errors or inaccuracy founded after the publication, authors are obliged to notify the conference for correcting or retracting their work. 

Reviewers Standards

1. Reviewers should disclose any potential competing interest that may interfere with the fair assessment of the manuscript.

2. Reviewers should not disclose identities to the authors, including sending reports directly to the authors.

3. Research data, ideas or documents obtained during the review cannot be used prior to the publication without authors’ consent.

4. If reviewers cannot finish the review report or must finish it with some delay, they should inform the editor immediately.

5. If reviewers detect any suspicions of misconduct (e.g., data fabrication), they should report to the editor immediately.

6. Reviewers should not request citations of their own work for personal gain.

Editors Standards

1. Editors should keep confidentiality of the review process.

2. Editors are excluded from editorial decisions when the decisions may be affected by potential competing interest related to the reported research.

3. Editors should not use materials obtained from the manuscript for personal research prior to the publication without authors’ consent.

4. Editors are responsible to provide unbiased decisions based on the review report of reviewers.






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